Croatia Digital Nomad Visa

In early 2021, Croatian authorities introduced the digital nomad visa at the legislative level. The initiator of the program, which allows foreign freelancers to work remotely within the Balkan state, was entrepreneur Jan de Jong. He personally wrote a letter to the Croatian Prime Minister requesting the possibility of implementing a nomad visa in the country. Initially, the idea gained support from over 450,000 users on the social network LinkedIn.

Today, Croatia offers one of the most competitive service packages for the self-employed, reflected in relaxed income level requirements for applicants. Additionally, holders of the freelancer visa are granted significant tax benefits.

The review period for digital nomad visa applications does not exceed 45 working days.

The Consular Section of the Croatian Embassy in Moscow (located at Ostozhenka Street, 23) handles the visa issuance. After crossing the border of the Balkan state, freelancers must visit the local Ministry of Interior (MUP) office to obtain a biometric residence permit.

Freelance Visa Specifics

The digital nomad visa is issued to applicants from non-EU countries. Americans and Swiss nationals are also allowed to work remotely in Croatia. A mandatory requirement for Russians wishing to obtain the freelancer visa is to have an employment contract with an employer registered outside of Croatia. Remote workers are prohibited from being employed by local companies.

The nomad visa, which provides a residence permit for freelancers, is issued for one year and can only be extended six months after the document’s expiration. During the waiting period, the self-employed are not allowed to stay in the Balkan state.

Visa holders may stay in Croatia long-term with family members (spouses, parents, children) or a business partner. However, this preference automatically increases the financial support requirement that the applicant must meet (+10% per person). If a self-employed person moves to work in Croatia without family and business partners, the minimum amount of financial guarantees required today is 2,870 euros per month. If the applicant plans to bring a spouse and two children, the minimum financial support required would be 3,731 euros (2,870 + 30%).

Family members of the freelancer are also not allowed to work for Croatian employers. The nomad visa does not grant the right to obtain permanent residency in Croatia.

If there is no monthly income, the applicant for the nomad visa can confirm financial guarantees with a bank deposit for one year (minimum amount – 34,400 euros).

Taxes for Freelancers

One of the definite advantages for the self-employed in Croatia is the exemption from paying income tax. A 0% rate is maintained regardless of how many days the foreign guest stays and works as a freelancer in the Balkan state. However, nomads are not exempt from passive types of tax (e.g., taxes on investment activities).

Cost of the Visa

The fee for processing the digital nomad visa application at the Croatian Embassy’s Consular Section is set at 93 euros. If the applicant processes the entry permit through a Visa Center (VC), an additional service fee of 27 euros is payable (+ 6 euros logistics fee if documents are submitted to regional VCs). Visa and service fees are waived for children (up to 6 years old) and disabled individuals of all groups (including one accompanying person).

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Required Documents

To obtain an entry permit, a freelancer needs:

  • An application form;
  • Civil passport;
  • International passport;
  • A 3.5 x 4.5 cm color photo (1 copy);
  • An employment contract with an employer registered outside of Croatia;
  • Rental agreement;
  • Certificate of no criminal record;
  • Bank statement showing funds (deposit not less than 2.5 average monthly salaries established in Croatia for the previous year, or a minimum income amount for the last 12 months – 34,400 euros);
  • Medical insurance with coverage of at least 30,000 euros;
  • Biometric data;
  • Consent for processing personal data.

Documents must be translated into Croatian or English (with notarial certification).

Recent Changes in Visa Issues with Croatia

Despite the fact that Croatian authorities predominantly approve applications for short-term stays, from February to March 2024, the percentage of wanting to apply for the nomad visa remains consistently high.

Popularity statistics for Digital Nomad Visa to Croatia

Popularity statistics for Digital Nomad Visa to Croatia

According to Google Trends statistics, after a slight decline in interest at the beginning of the 3rd quarter of 2024, the demand for a digital nomad visa to Croatia began to reach new record levels.

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